New to Digital Ordering
- $15K in Digital Purchases = 1% accounts credit rebate
- $30K in Digital Purchases = 2% accounts credit rebate
- $60K in Digital Purchases = 3% accounts credit rebate
- $500 Bonus Credit for 1st Order Placed Using Acculynx Integration *Minimum Order Value $3,500
Account credit rebate capped at $5,000
Existing Digital Ordering Customers
- $15K in Digital Purchases = 1% accounts credit rebate
- $30K in Digital Purchases = 2% accounts credit rebate
- $60K in Digital Purchases = 3% accounts credit rebate
Account credit rebate capped at $2,500
Terms & Conditions: Digital Purchases are defined as orders submitted by customer through RoofHub.Pro, Roof Hub Mobile, or through direct order integrations with
Acculynx or JobProgress. New to Digital Ordering is defined as customers who have not placed digital orders that were invoiced in the last 3 months (on or before
September 30, 2022). Existing Digital Ordering is defined as customers who have placed digital purchases that were invoiced in the last 3 months (since October 1st,
2022). Orders must be invoiced during promotional period. Account must be current.